• Sugers Confident You Challenge
    Personal,  Plus Positivity

    Sugers Confident You – Week One

    The oh so wonderful Suger recently released her “Confident you body confidence photo challenge“. Phew, that’s a bit of a mouth full. She asked me to share my thoughts on body confidence and I jumped at the chance. I also decided to try and give the challenge a go. I usually suck at keeping up with them, but with this being 14 days instead of a whole month, I decided to give the whole thing a go. I’ve been sharing it on my instagram, but decided that I would compile them all into weekly round up posts. 1. What body confidence means to you. 2. You / Selfie. (picture in…

  • Plus Positivity

    I know girls – Body Love

    I don’t think i’ve ever shared a youtube video on here before, apart from my own vlogs, but this song touched me in such a way I NEED to share it. but the time has come for us to reclaim our bodies love your body the way your mother loved your baby feet and brother, arm wrapping shoulders, and remember, this is important: you are worth more than who you fuck you are worth more than a waistline you are worth more than any naked body could proclaim in the shadows, more than a man’s whim or your father’s mistake you are no less valuable as a size 16, than…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    I love my body!

    Okay, so I’m a little late to this, but better late then never aye? Over at We Heart Life, the ladies posted a call out – Take a photograph of you this week sometime. Take it so you feel sexy/pretty/cute/hot/gorgeous/beautiful. Post it on your blog sometime this week before Saturday. Spread the word to your blogging community about loving their bodies. Share your own story about your body image issues. But then tell me one or more things that you love about your body! and why! Then come back on Saturday the 29th of October and link it up! Be sure to come back on Saturday and support everyone who is linking up to…

  • Everyday,  Plus Positivity

    What’s so fabulous on skin and bones?

    Caitlin Bradley is a plus-size fashion and design enthusiast whose love of life is documented on her blog, Closet Confessions. The 20 year old art school student who spends her time studying full time, designing couture gowns and scuba diving. Closet Confession’s was lucky enough to attend some events at Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival at Sydney Town Hall, and was one of the few in the audience for the Myer ‘Big is Beautiful’ Fashion Launch. This blog was originally posted on her blog, Closet Confessions on September 1st, 2011. Sitting near the press pit, looking at the figure emerging from the dimmed lights and heavy smoke, I sense I don’t…

  • Everyday,  Fashion,  Personal,  Plus Positivity

    Fat Talk! Plus size fashion promotes obesity? Whatever!

    Hi! I’m Natalie and I am obese. I am fat. I am also female. Gemini. A Daughter, Sister, Auntie. I am human. I am pretty healthy. A lot healthier then a lot of people. I am human & I deserve fashion. I have the same right as any other woman, be it a size 4, 12, 32, to have clothes that are made well and are fashionable. Gorgeous plus size ladies at the Gisela Ramirez Encore performance. The Australian‘s fashion editor, Damian Woolnough wrote on Wedneday The models were gorgeous, the clothes were unremarkable and the message about health was dangerous. Professional models, including plus-size pin-up Robyn Lawley, strutted and…