• Everyday,  Personal

    Frodo’s home!

    My Mister Baggins is home! We had a call early Sunday morning saying that if it was okay, he could come home. It seems he was feeling well enough that his anxiety had kicked in and the vet believed he’d probably recover a little better if he was home. When we got to the vet and were waiting to get him, the sounds he was making, oh it broke my heart. He was howling and wailing. As soon as we put his lead on him however, he calmed down. I nearly lost him, and I can’t put into words how much that scares me. We were lucky we got him…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Poor Mr Frodo

    As I type this, my little man is at the vets. First off, I’d like to say, I know that you’re not supposed to give dogs cooked bones, and I usually don’t give them to Frodo, but my Mum often gives them to her dog, and I often feel sorry for Frodo, so I let him have one on Friday night. Well, yes, that was a big mistake. Around midnight, he threw up, and I could tell he wasn’t feeling the best, he was sooky-er then normal. He couldn’t get comfortable. I ended up waking my Mum up at 3am, and she said, wait and see how he is in…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics & Mr Frodo Update!

    This is what Frodo’s leg looked like the day after we got him back. The white patch is covering the stitches, the orange bandage is covering the pain patch he had on. I need to take a picture of him with his cone on, we dazzled it up with some stickers! This is his leg today, after his check up at the vet & getting all the dressings off. 10 stitches, but they are looking good. He’s obviously feeling better, he’s been wanting to walk around, which is a big no no. He’s been really well behaved so far, except for the night he accidentally wet the bed!! He was…

  • Everyday

    Frodo – Operation time!

    Sorry about the lack of posting. I’ve been trying to spend some time with my little man before he went in for his operation. I’ve been so anxious, I still am actually! We dropped Frodo off at the vet yesterday (September 15th 2010) morning between 8 & 9. It was so hard leaving me, but after I walked out of the vets he turned and walked away happily with the lady. 4:30pm came & I hadn’t received a call, so I gave the hospital a call. He was still in surgery. Around half and hour later the Vet who performed the surgery gave me a call. The operation went well, the…

  • Everyday

    Frodo Update!

    Thanks to everyone who donated, Frodo was able to have his X-rays & Dental care done yesterday. We dropped him off at the vet in the morning (after trying to get Ginny out of the car, turns out she’s scared of cats!) and picked him up at 4:30. He came out to great me excitedly with a green spotty scarf around his neck, very suave. Frodo loves to dress up, so he would have loved that. I was so anxious all day, so it was good to have him back. After the excitement, he ended up getting groggy and falling asleep in the car, obviously not all the sedation hadn’t…