• Event,  Fashion,  Outfits

    MBFWA – Day 5 outfit

    I was sent a few amazing things from my favourite New Zealand designer The Carpenters Daughter & decided I HAD to wear this dress. It’s just so gorgeous in person, in fact, Dani liked it so much she tried it on too. After having to get it taken up slightly came the hard decision of “What should I wear underneath!?”. At one stage I ended up telling my mother I was just going to go in my underwear. My black slip just felt to bland, so when I found this purple short slip under one of my other dresses, I instantly knew, that’s it! Originally I had planned to wear my black bra,…

  • Event,  Fashion,  Outfits

    MBFWA: Day 4 Outfit!

    Day 4 was my 2nd day at MBFWA. I wanted to keep my outfit comfortable, but still fashionable and well ‘me’. So, of course I went for my trusty black with pops of colour combo. I was considering wearing my Day 5 outfit on Day 4, but I’m glad I didn’t. I actually was carrying around my outfit for the next day in my bag as I was staying at Caitlins house that night! By far the comfiest shoes I own right now, well, comfortable for me to wear! I just have to remember to be careful when I take them off! These are aptly named ‘Hellraisers’ and one of…

  • Event,  Fashion

    MBFWA – New Gen 2

    LF MARKEY While I enjoyed Lf Markey, it wasn’t my cup of tea. A little bit too simple for my taste. ASH TO GOLD Ash to Gold was my favourite from the New Gen show. I loved the colour used, the textures & structure of the pieces. I am so in love with the accessories used for it too, the chunky pyramid cuffs, the pyramid bags and the ankle cuffs. AMAZEBALLS! Uscari My second favourite. The detailing in the dresses were amazing. The harnessing like details on the dresses seem to add a feminine hardness. While I don’t really like autumn colourings, the rust palette a lot of the collection focused on…

  • Event,  Fashion

    MBFWA – The Innovators

    I think it’s almost fitting that my first official Fashion Week show was ‘The Innovators’. A collection which showcases 6 of the best TAFE graduates. The show started with graduate Kaylene Milner being given a $15 000 cheque, for a Global Mentorship prize. She’ll be taking off to do a 3 month internship with Diane von Furstenburg! KAYLENE MILNER Kaylenes work was remarkable, but not really my style. A lot of Autumn tones, mixing of prints and fabrics. Chunky knits, leather (hide), sheer.  CARLIE WATERMAN First thing I noticed of course was the headbands. Later on looking at pictures online, they are what looks to be backward visors, covered with army figurines.…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    Sydney Opera House

    I’ve lived in Sydney all but 3 years of my life & I often forget how beautiful it is here. While I’ve always wanted to travel, see the world, live in the UK and New Zealand for a year or so, I feel so blessed to have been born in such an amazing country. Spending last week at MBFWA, we had the most amazing view of the Sydney Opera House. I’ve been inside the Opera House, seen it hundreds of times, but seeing it from a different angle was looking at it through new eyes. I can totally understand why it’s classified as one of the ‘7 wonders’. My life…