• Everyday,  Travel

    Nambucca Heads in Pictures! #xlinnambuccaheads

    Sorry about the slight absence! I flew up to Sydney last week and decided to have a bit of a social media break. It was a good time to just spend time with my family and just be present in the moment. We headed up to Nambucca heads for my cousins wedding and the views were just amazing! It’s funny, when I was younger, I used to get car sick. I still kind of do, but not so bad. My Grandparents lived in Port Macquarie and it used to take us 2 days to get up there because I just couldn’t do it. We did the trip up to Nambucca…

  • Fashion,  Lustlist

    Halloween Everyday Style!

     Halloween isn’t an Australian tradition. It’s slowly becoming popular over the years, with kids trick or treating around the area. Some shops now stock bits and pieces of Halloween goodies to decoration your house with, but really, it’s not something you see much of. Luckily, with the internet, you can buy so much online, and I have to say, I just LOVE all the spooky clothing that comes out at this time of year. I bought a ghost jumper last halloween, and I wear it ALL YEAR ROUND! Why not!? So here are a few of my favourite things that I would totally rock in any month! Lime Crime Black…

  • Everyday

    My Christmas in Pictures

    Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and happy day! I sure did! This year, like most,  we celebrated with a family gathering at home. It was my parents dog Aussies first Xmas and as you can see from the picture above, he sure had a good day! Much food was eaten! I overloaded my plate with Pork whilst everyone else seemed to head for the Ham. Ah, Christmas lunch! My sister helped out this year bringing some Portuguese Chicken to cook on the BBQ. Like last year, it was rainy and overcast, but it didn’t damper the celebrations. We had a Santa pinata for the kids, which…

  • Everyday

    I’m back! (Vision Direct Competition Winner)

    I’m back from Aitutaki! I got in early Friday morning and i’m still trying to settle back into my old routine. I miss the island so very much! I have so much to update you all on, the animals, the scenery, my hospital visit! I’m still trying to get it all together into a somewhat sorted way. Is there anything you’d like to know in particular? Also, I’ve drawn the winner for the $150 Vision Direct voucher, and the winner is Connie Helen Neesham. You’ve been sent an email, so make sure you reply!

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Adventure time!

    I think it really hit me yesterday, that I’m going to be spending 2 weeks on an island in the middle of the ocean. 2 weeks, on an island, where all I can see is sea. With little internet access. Que me freaking out a little. I know i’ll be okay, when I visit my parents holiday place I have hardly any internet access. I tend to just relax, read, and nap a lot. I know i’m slightly addicted to the internet, to social media, to being connected, and I know this will probably stress me at times, but I can do it. Though, I am still going to be…