• Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Pink

    PINK! It is my favourite colour, and what I actually consider my natural hair colour. Yes, I was born brunette, but my hair was meant to be pink. Oh how I’m missing my colour hair! Anyway, I was a little stumped this week, because despite it being my favourite colour, I don’t have too many items of pink clothing.  I was planning on wearing my favourite dress, but Dani wore it! So I decided to just do subtle pink, focus on some of the fun pink accessories I have. While I don’t have a lot of pink clothes, I have an abundance of pink jewellery, shoes and belts! Please excuse the slightly odd posing,…

  • Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Bling

    Aussie Curves was a little hard for me this week, I don’t really have any ‘bling’. While I love all things shiny, I tend to head towards sequins and glitter. I decided to pull out this dress I got on sale at ASOS, I’d never worn it before and probably could have used and iron, but I really really love this dress. Two colours I love together are red and blue.  I could probably say this outfit is red, white and blue with the pasty white colour my body is. I’ve never been one to tan since I was around 8. These shoes don’t get worn often because they are…

  • Everyday,  Fashion

    Fashionable glasses!

    While you don’t see them in most outfit posts, I wear glasses whenever I leave the house. I’m fine with short distances, but as soon as I get out the front door and look up the street, everything becomes blurry. For the past 2 years, I had one pair of rather plain glasses, that was until my sister introduced me to the world of amazing glasses. Or maybe the blame should lay on Dani at John Granata Optometrists for introducing my sister to that world. Trying on some of the frames at John Granata Optometrist last October. Where ever that blame lays though, the world of glasses can be a pretty…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Quick Pics post, but never fear, here are some snap shots from the past few weeks! My parents went away recently, which left me looking after their dog Emily. She’s a very timid dog, she came from a rescue home and it’s obvious she’s been abused in the past. It’s amazing to see her transformation. With Frodo around, she’s learning more dog like behavior and realising she’s not going to get into trouble for everything. She decided that Frodos crate was the best place to sleep. Frodo wasn’t too sure about it. (Yes, my room is a mess, problem with trying to fit a whole house into one…