Everyday,  Personal

I got a tattoo!


Yep! I can now cross that off my Bucket List! I’ve always loved tattoos, I actually designed the first one I wanted when I was in Year 6, but I’ve always been scared. Despite having numerous piercings, I’m scared of needles, so I’ve just always put off having a tattoo.

After Frodo passed away, I was determined to get a memorial tattoo. I have an artist picked out (Clare) & a spot (thigh), I only have to save. However, being a tattoo virgin, I wanted to get something small first to see how I dealt with the pain before going and getting something larger.

Whilst scrolling Instagram the other day, an artist I follow Timothy (he does some amazing line work & mandalas) posted how the studio he’s at was doing a Friday the 13th Flash Day. When I saw the origami like animals & dinosaurs, I knew I found that ‘something small’ trial tattoo. I had a hard time trying to decide which one to get. The owl? The Unicorn? Which dinosaur? I love pterodactyls, but I thought that one looked a bit too much like a paper crane. I already have a dream owl tattoo I want to get and I don’t need 2 owl tattoos. The Unicorn, well, Stacey pointed out if you get a unicorn tattoo it should be epic and majestic.

So, the T-Rex it was! On the back of my neck (if you can’t tell), so I didn’t have to watch it being done. It hardly took any time (around 10-15 minutes) & yes, it did hurt. The top more so, probably cause it was closer to bone. As soon as it’s done though, it’s not very noticeable. Now, a few days on, it’s still healing and gets slightly itchy at times. Oh, and his name is Wash.


My friend Stacey came along with me, and got a tattoo of her own. We had a 2 our wait, so went and got our nails done! Not only did I pop my tattoo cherry, I got a shellac manicure for the first time! In fact, I loved the colour Stacey chose that I totally copied her. We now have matching BRIGHT pink nails!blog-tattoo-004 And matching bright pink lipstick! Please excuse my whites on the washing line 😛

Do you have a tattoo? Do you want one?