Outfits,  Personal

Outfit – Mums Birthday Dinner


Just a quick post! Wednesday was my Mothers birthday & to celebrate my Dad took her out to dinner, I of course, tagged along!

I’ve actually been feeling a little under the weather, I’ve not been sleeping well since Frodo past and I seem to have a bit of allergies. So, please excuse the puffy eyes & no make up! Oh, and the photos were just quick snaps on my mobile.mumsbday-002

 This dress is one I picked up in the recent Black Friday sales in the US. The lovely Lucy let me add a couple of items to her Forever21+ order, and I am so glad I went with my gut instinct to get this dress, I LOVE it! It’s actually quite a thick material and I think it will probably get a lot of wear in winter.

Dress – Forever21+ (size 3x) | Shoes – Payless | Bag – Sportsgirlmumsbday-003We went to the Bistro at one of the local hotels, The Grey Gums. This is the 2nd time I’ve been & gosh the food is good. Also, one of the bar staff makes THE BEST lemon, lime & bitters!