Fashion,  Outfits

Outfit – In a funk basics


When i’m in a funk, it hits all things. I kind of just want to hang around in bed reading, or laze about on the lounge watching TV. I tend to stick to shift dresses, or leggings and a singlet. However, I still need to go out, brave the world, if just to buy some more Orange Juice and pick up some fresh tuna. This is what I threw on the other day to do exactly that.grey-02I’m not the kind of person who will just duck down the shops in her PJ’s or that. This outfit for me is very laid back, comfy and basic. Well, except the shoes. They arrived the other day and i’m trying to wear them in. How awesome are they!?

Top – Big W | Skirt – ASOS | Necklace – Some store in New Zealand | Shoes – T.U.K via Urban Outfitters