Fashion,  Outfits

Aussie Curves – Time Saver


This weeks Aussie Curves theme is ‘Time Saver’. I have two go to dresses when I’m in a rush. You’ve seen the other one before HERE, so I thought I’d show off my 2nd favourite.


This dress is super comfy! Because of the style, it makes my hips look a little larger, but it helps create the illusion of curves. I’m very straight up and down, so I like that!


It’s starting to get colder so I threw on a cropped cardi, however I ended up wearing sandals. I’m trying to get as much wear out of all my open shoes as much as I can before I have to start keeping them warm. You can just make out the slight tan marks from my holiday.


I don’t wear make up most days, so that is a time saver in itself! Generally my make up routine is mascara, lip balm & a little brow zing.


Dress – Katies (Size 2xl) | Cardi – Some cheap store in Adelaide | Shoes – ASOS | Necklace – c/o Nicole Fendel

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