
OOTD – Black, white & blue!

Today was spent house hunting, 5 hours out strolling through houses, on 3 hours sleep. My parents & I, live in the house I grew up in, but it’s just getting too large. It’s a tri-level house with around 18stairs (picture) to get up to the top story. So, my parents are looking to move into a one level house. It’ll be sad to see this house go, but I understand that it’s just too large a house for them.

I’m still not feeling very well, and haven’t been sleeping the best, so today my main  inspiration was comfort. Yes, this is me comfortable, no jeans & tees for me. I pretty much style this dress the same way every time I wear it. Caridgan & belt. This time though, stockings, it is winter after all. You can see this dress in a previous OOTD here.

HELLO MY PRETTIES! My Solestruck sale order arrived, so impressed with the shipping. I ordered on Tuesday, it arrived Friday. That is from the USA to Australia. I talked about these shoes on my shoe blog and when they hit the sale, I couldn’t resist. It is super fun to sit and try and pick all the animals!

My face! I realised this looks like the same picture, but mirrored. It’s not, you can see my seatbelt. I also think I don’t look like me that much in the picture. Well, it’s me, but not how I see myself. I think the front cam on my iPad makes things look a little different. #nofilter!

Seeing we didn’t get home until mid afternoon, by the time I went to take outfit pictures the sun was setting. All my pictures turned out like THIS, the above is the same image I cleaned up to be somewhat salvageable. If just to give you a better idea of the outfit.

My parents dog Emily was being way too adorable. I’ve kind of fallen in love with her, she’s amazing and has made so much progress since living with my parents. She likes to try and mother Frodo. He likes to lick her face, though he’s teaching her to be a dog.