
OOTD – 5 minute fashion.

I’m a fan of dresses that you just throw on and ta-da, you are ready. Sure, it sometimes feels like cheating, not having to ‘put together’ an outfit, but some days, you just need to have an item of clothing you can put on in a rush and know that you look presentable. This is my current go to dress & can you believe I picked it up on sale for $10!

I usually wear it with a belt, but yesterday I paired it with a think pink ribbon. Now I look at the pictures, I think I like wearing it with a belt better, but hey, we live and learn! While out, a boy of around 5 or 6 was staring at my new boot, I was so tempted to tell him that yes, I am part transformer!

  • DRESS – Katies
  • RIBBON – I don’t remember where I got this from, i’ve had it for years.
  • SHOE – Andre – Padded supersoft sandal

As soon as i’m home I change into my slippers though, I kind of found it amusing looking at the difference between my two feet. I think I need to name them both and come up with a story about how they became best friends!