
Aussie Curves – Polka dots!

Polka dots! I love POLKA DOTS! I went through a stage when I would want to buy everything and anything polka dots, and then when my Nan lived with us, I didn’t buy any for years, as they messed with what little vision she had.

I’ve had this dress for years, I remember walking into the City Chic store in Parramatta and it was instant love. My boyfriend at the time helped me buy it. It’s still one of my favourite dresses to this day. I decided to pair it with shades of blue. I was going for a bit of a modern-vintage feel.

There won’t be many more pictures with this backdrop as we make our final move this week! It’s going to be crazy, busy and stressful. Then I will need to find a new place to take OOTD pictures 😛

  • Dress – City Chic (Around 4 years ago)
  • Cardi – Rockmans
  • Shoes- Lipsy via Asos
  • Pearls – Vintage
  • Earrings – Asos