Event,  Fashion

MBFF | Myer | BiB | The Hub Random Snaps!

Dani, Lady Coco, Caitlin & I. Kaftans & Image by Camilla!

Behinds the scene photo taken from Lady Coco Nimet’s Blog.

Myself, Caitlin, Gisela, Dani & Corrine. Photo from WhatGiselaWore.

These Martini drinks were super yummy!  Dani & I had a Martini Portofino & Corrine had a Martini Melogrando!

Corrine, Dani & I! Photo from Frock & Roll!

Image from Closet Confessions

Yeah, we all took one of these photos! Image from Danimezza.

From the looks of it, Caitlin said something agreeable!

Social networking on my phone! I’m slightly addicted. Image by Danimezza.

Corrine & I chatting away. Image from  Closet Confessions.

Caitlin, Dani & I. Photo from Frock & Roll!

The gorgeous & rather colour co-ordinated Corrine & Dani! Photo from Frock & Roll!

We had a good talk about how great it is to hang out with fellow bloggers. None of us give each other weird looks when we ask ‘Can you take a picture of me in this outfit please!’

Candid image by the super talented Danimezza!

Corrine & I. Outfit shot! Both by Danimezza.

I just had to include this, because I love the effect the sun had on the photo. Dani looks ethereal!