

I had planned to do Liptember, but I’ve been so behind on everything! But better late then never! Every little bit of money raised helps!

What is Liptember?

 Liptember is a charity event to raise the awareness of gender specific mental health issues for women, funding research and programs that can be implemented to achieve optimal health outcomes for women. Money raised goes to the Centre for Women’s Mental Health and Lifeline Australia.

The Rules

 The rules are simple listen here,
A month is all it takes my dear.
All you girls out and about,
Always display your Liptember pout.
Whether it be work or play,
The lipstick must always stay.
When the weekend comes around,
Show it off out on town.
But don’t forget rule number one,
Liptember is all for having fun.

What it means to me.

 I’ve never been too shy about talking about who I am, about my life, and a big part of my life is my mental problems.  While I believe in supporting charities, everyone has ones that are close to their heart. Having suffered with Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder for many years, being in and out of the mental health care system, this cause means a lot to me. Without the help and support of places like Lifeline and The Royal Women’s Hospital Centre for Women’s Mental Health, many wonderful ladies would not have found the help & support they need.

How to donate?

Seeing as I’m participating in Liptember, you can donate through my participant list HERE. Remember, any amount helps!
