
Outfit of the Day & Site Update!

This week has been a bit ‘blah’. The weather has been dreary. Raining, muddy & all together depressing. So, I’ve only really been bumming around the house. Tracky dacks and over-sized jumpers, that is what winter is about! However, today, I decided to get up and get dressed into some clothes that I could wear out of the house. Still comfy, but not pajama’s!

For anyone who follows me on Twitter, you may have seen me tweet on Thursday that I was going out to buy myself some pants! As I’ve lost weight, all my pants no longer fit me & it’s getting so cold here that skirts & leggings aren’t going to cut it anymore! I ended up walking away with around $300 worth of items for $90. Gosh, I love sales! These pants are one of the items I scored!

  • TOP – Big W – Size 20 – $15
  • VEST – City Chic – Size L – Birthday Present
  • PANTS – City Chic – Size 22 – $20
  • SHOES – Miss Shop at Myer – Size 7 1/2
  • NECKLACE – Target – Birthday Present
Site Update!

As you can see, the site has gone through a bit of a change. Blame wordpress! With it’s latest update, the back-end of wordpress has changed into all pretty grey colours. I though the site could have a bit of a winter overhaul! Still sticking with the bright pink, but instead of it being all white, I’ve added in some grey.

The sidebar has changed! It doesn’t have my whole links list, as it was getting pretty HUGE. I’ve got a small section of ‘Daily Links’ in the sidebar, which features a few of my favourite blogs. The rest can be found under the ‘site’ heading. Also, don’t forget to follow Extra Large as Life on Google Friends Connect!

Let me know if you find any problems!