
OOTD – Mothers Day!

Technically, tomorrow is Mothers day, but we celebrated today, as it’s also my Mother-in-laws Birthday! (My own Mum lives in Sydney, so I don’t get to see her *sadface*). We header over to the in-laws at lunch time for finger food & cake. All the kids & grand kids! It gets rather noisy with 6 kids under around 8!

For dinner, my partner, his parents & the eldest grandson headed out for dinner. After ringing around a few places we finally managed to book a table at last minute (an hour before we arrived!). We ended up at North Adelaide’s Royal Oak Hotel’. I really recommend it! I had a  rump steak served with rustic sweet potato wedges, brown mushroom swiss & mustard cream sauce. I struggled to eat it all, but it was so delicious that I managed to finish. No room for dessert though!

  • SLIP – from under another dress – Size 16
  • DRESS – Crossroads – Size 22
  • VEST – Crossroads – XXL
  • STOCKINGS – Woolworths – Size 2
  • SHOES – Rubi Shoes – Size 39
  • HEADRESS – necklace from Diva
  • CAMEO PIN – Diva

Yes, i’m loving the flowers in the hair. I’m resurecting my inner 15 year old. I was the weird hippy kid at school. That’s how I got the nickname Natatree.